The pictures are pretty cool, quality, and make for good wallpapers. That is if you dont mind ads every 10 seconds... But for some neat backgrounds its not so bad.
The pictures are pretty cool, quality, and make for good wallpapers. That is if you dont mind ads every 10 seconds... But for some neat backgrounds its not so bad.
Would be great if you could actually browse the pictures but the constant barrage of pop up ads make it impossible. I deleted it
Tons of adds and some of the pics arent even Elder Scrolls, but they all look great.
This is a really good app for wallpapers but theres way to many ads cant wait for elder scrolls online tamriel edition to come out on ps4 !!!
Ads everywhere!! And I didnt even see a cool pic I wanted either.
The wallpapers look cool but some are from skyrim
As others have said, this product gives out WAY too many ads for something that just steals images from other sites. Nothing original, nothing creative, just another ad filled app
Too many ads....deleted
Its pretty cool but it has to many ads.
I think this app could use a little bit more from ESO (Elder Scrolls Online)
I love every piece of artwork! The only problem I have is choosing one! If you love the game, then this is a must have!
Can only scroll through so many pictures before I have to wait 10 seconds to continue my look through
Too many ads
This app has good wallpapers and backgrounds but it is almost impossible to access them due to the constant flow of ads literally every 5-10 seconds. I deleted this app and decided to just stick with wallpapers on the web.
This app has great wallpapers for your scrolling needs. If you are someone who loves the game i would absolutly reccamend this app
Ads would pop up every 10 seconds and I just couldnt get rid of them sometimes... (Hit the top left corner even if there isnt an "x") Some of the pictures toward the end didnt have anything to do with Elder Scrolls... Not a major problem. My final complaint is that there was only 87 pictures... I mean it looks like a lot in this review but just check out the app, (Not to mention half of them were off-center).
Good wallpapers
The pictures are great but there are way too many ads. The ads pop up every five to ten seconds and its really annoying.
Be warned this app spams adds, plus there are only like 30 wallpapapers
There is really a lot of adds and it is very annoying. I have to rate it one doesnt deserve it.